约瑟与兄弟相认 |《圣经》笔记 50

上一期说到,约瑟让人在便雅悯的口袋里,塞了一个银杯,以偷窃的罪名将便雅悯强留在埃及。犹大作为便雅悯的作保人,对约瑟发表了一番情真意切的演说,让约瑟意识到,如果不让便雅悯回去迦南,他们的父亲雅各将会悲痛欲绝。 看着哥哥们这么保护便雅悯,又听到父亲雅各这么疼爱弟弟,兄弟友爱,父子和睦,约瑟一下就忍不住了,这是他这么多年以来都缺失的亲情。 他支开身边的随从,放声大哭,告诉兄弟们自己就是约瑟。 ...

2022-06-06 · 984 words · 许仙人

约瑟对兄弟用计 |《圣经》笔记 49

上一期说到,约瑟的哥哥们带着便雅悯来到埃及,这一次,众兄弟没有被刁难,还在宰相家里好好吃了一顿。第二天清早,他们便带着粮食,满载而归。 但约瑟会轻易让他们走吗? 其他哥哥还好,走就走了吧。可约瑟割舍不下弟弟便雅悯,他让人在便雅悯的行囊里,偷偷塞了个银杯。我开始以为,那是特意送给弟弟的礼物,但今天一看,才发现这是约瑟设下的一个圈套——他想把便雅悯留在身边。 ...

2022-06-05 · 896 words · 许仙人


草 以前在贵州做田野调查,寨子里每家每户都会在门框上挂一把相貌凶狠的草——带锯齿的,带刺的,尖细尖细的,据说是用来辟邪。 我问寨子里一位德高望重的老人,他一脸不屑:“那是封建迷信”。后来我在他家住了下来,发现大门上赫然挂着一把“封建迷信”。我们俩也很有默契,再也没聊过那个话题。 ...

2022-06-04 · 1390 words · 许仙人

WebDev 05: CSS Color

Hex and RGB Hex value: #8FBC8F RGB value: rgb(143, 188, 143) These two kinds of vuales are interchangeable, but it is wise to use just one value in coding. HSL color: hsl(120, 60%, 70%); shorts for hue-saturation-lightness. Hue: the first number, represents the degree of the hue, between 0 and 360. Saturation: refers to the intensity or purity of the color, value ranges from 0% to 100%, the higher the color becomes richer, or grayer. Lightness: refers to the light or dark of color, value ranges from 0% to 100%, the higher the color becomes lighter, or dimmer. Opacity and Alpha color: hsla(34, 100%, 50%, 0.1); The fourth value a alpha, means opacity. It ranges from 0 to 1, if the alpha is 0, the color will be completely transparent; if the alpha is 1, the color would be opaque. ...

2022-06-04 · 212 words · 许仙人

WebDev 04: Beginner CSS

CSS add styles to web page. Each element have several style properties. Basic Propeties font-famiy h1 { font-family: Georgia; } the specific font must be installed use Web safe fonts, or the font you choose may not appear the same between all browsers and operating system. when the name of a typeface consists of more than one word, enclose the name in quotes, like ‘Courier New’. font-size p { font-size: 18px; } px means pixels font-weight ...

2022-06-04 · 176 words · 许仙人