WebDev 03: HTML Table

Table Code Structure <table> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col"></th> <td></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> </tr> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr> </tr> </tfoot> </table> Table Element <table></table>: contain all the tabular data. <thead></thead>: the heading of a long table. <tbody></tbady>: the body of the long table. <tr></tr>: add table rows. <th></th>: add table heading. <th scope="col">colum heading</th>, <th scope="row>row heading</th>, <th></th> blank heading. <td></td>: add table data. <td colspan="number"> let table data across several columns, <td rowspan="number"> let table data across several rows. <tfoot></tfoot>: the bottom part of a long table.

2022-06-03 · 87 words · 许仙人

WebDev 02: HTML Document Standards

Document Type Declaration <!DOCTYPE html>: the declaration specifying the version of HTML for the browser, put it on the first line of code to tell the browser what type of document to expect. HTML Structure <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> content that displayed to the screen. </body> </html> <html></html>: enclose all the HTML code. <head></head>: metadata, tell the browser about the page itself, not displayed on the webpage. <title></title>: the title of the web page. <body></body>: only content inside the opening and closing body tags can be displayed to the screen. Links absolute links: linking to other website <a href="URL" target="_blank">text</a> href refers to hyperlink reference, target="_blank" means opening the link in a new tab. relative links: linking to internal path in the same folder <a href="internal path(./contact.html">Contact</a>. turn image into link: <a href="link" target="_blank"><img src="image-location" alt="image despriction"/></a> linking to same page: target <div id="name">, then <a href="#name"></a>, click the link then scroll to the section you target. Comments <!-- comments --> ...

2022-06-02 · 167 words · 许仙人

WebDev 01: Introduction to HTML

What is HTML? HTML stands for HypeText Markup Language, it provides structure to the content appearing on a website. HTML Elements tag: <h1></h1> element: <h1>Colar</h1> basic ones <body></body>: only content inside the opening and closing body tags can be displayed to the screen. <h1></h1> <h6></h6>: six different headings. <div></div>: short for division, a container that divides the page into sections. <p></p>: plain text. <span></span>: separate a piece of content form other content. <p><span>Self-driving cars</span> are anticipated to replace up to 2 million jobs over the next two decades.</p> styling text <em></em>: emphasize text, italic <strong></strong>: highlight text <br>: line break. lists unordered lists <ul> <li>apple</li> <li>pineapple</li> <li>watermelon</li> </ul> ordered lists <ol> <li>one</li> <li>two</li> <li>three</li> </ol> other content image: <img src="image-location" alt="image-description" />, src is short for source, alt is short for alternative text. video: <video src="video-location" width="320" height="240" controls> Video not supported </video> controls instruct the browser to include basic video controls such as pausing and playing. attribute <div id="intro">

2022-06-02 · 160 words · 许仙人

约瑟为兄弟们设宴 |《圣经》笔记 48

上一期说到,雅各疼爱小儿子便雅悯,怕他去埃及会丧命,但粮食吃光了,不得不向现实低头,只好同意其他儿子带着便雅悯下埃及。 约瑟见哥哥们来了,还带着便雅悯,喜出望外,赶紧吩咐家宰准备宴席,好好招待他们。 家宰去邀请约瑟的兄弟们,可他们还保留着上次被约瑟诬蔑为奸细,关进大牢的记忆,心里害怕,一个劲地向家宰解释:我们是来归还上次买粮的银子的,那银子真的不是我们自己拿走的,我们真的不知道银子为什么会出现在我们的口袋里。如此叽里呱啦地说了一通。家宰估计心里也觉得好笑,安抚他们,说:不用害怕,你们的银子我们早收了,那些银子是你们的神所赐的。 ...

2022-06-02 · 1196 words · 许仙人

雅各让便雅悯下埃及 |《圣经》笔记 47

上一期说到,雅各的儿子们来埃及买粮,被约瑟故意说成是奸细,老二西缅被扣在埃及当人质,其他人要回去迦南,把便雅悯带来证明清白。 于是,兄弟几个从牢里被放了出来。在回乡的路上,一人从袋子里拿草料喂驴,无意间发现里面有银子,正是他们拿来买粮食的银子。粮食都已经买好了,怎么银子还在呢?难道是约瑟给他们设的圈套? ...

2022-06-01 · 1476 words · 许仙人