试译 1066 and All That:第十五章

Henry II: A Just King 亨利二世:一名公正的国王 HENRY II was a great Lawgiver, and it was he who laid down the great Legal Principle that everything is either legal or (preferably) illegal. 亨利二世是一位著名的立法者,也正是他确立著名的法律原则:任何事情要么是合法的,要么(最好)是不合法的。 ...

2023-02-06 · 1088 words · 许仙人


如鱼在水中,感觉不到水,鱼可能觉得是在飞。人在传统里,感觉不到传统。革命发生在旧世界,旧世界被革命文艺保留下来,再也找不到比这更大规模的影像资料了。 ...

2023-01-16 · 2052 words · 许仙人


妮可也是意大利人,不爱说话,动作不多,老是慢慢腾腾的,眼睛里喜欢琢磨事儿。我总觉得她不那么在意帕瓦罗蒂和周围的事情,经常安静地坐在帕瓦罗蒂的化装间外,眼神儿雾一样不知在想什么。 ...

2023-01-16 · 771 words · 许仙人

试译 1066 and All That:第十四章

The Dreadful Story of Stephen and his Aunt Matilda (or Maud) 史蒂芬和他姑妈玛蒂尔达(或叫莫德)的糟糕往事 THE moment Stephen came to the throne it was realized that he was a mistake and had been christened wrong; thus everything was thrown into confusion. Stephen himself felt quite uncalled for, and even his Aunt Matilda was able to take him in when she began announcing that she was the real King. Stephen, however, soon discovered that she had been malchristened, too, and was unable to say for certain whether her name was Matilda or Maud. ...

2023-01-16 · 511 words · 许仙人

仙人周刊 06:一周精神生活总结

Hi,我是许仙人。 这里是《仙人周刊》,我的一周精神生活总结。 广州连续下了一个礼拜的雨,到处都湿漉漉的。今天(昨天)降温,又回到了冬天该有的样子,冷,但好在衣服可以晒干了。 ...

2023-01-14 · 3413 words · 许仙人