摩西再上西奈山|出埃及记 34

上一期讲了去迦南的应许,有点像一场领导发表的团结人心,展望未来的讲话。 本期回到故事主线——摩西再上西奈山。 这是摩西第二次上山,跟第一次有些不同: 第一,上山前的准备不一样。 第一次上山前的准备工作,弄得比......

试译 1066 and All That:第七章

Lady Windermere. Age of Lake Dwellers 温德米尔夫人,湖居者的时代。 ALFRED had a very interesting wife called Lady Windermere (The Lady of the Lake), who was always clothed in the same white frock, and used to go bathing with Sir Launcelot (also of the Lake) and was thus a Bad Queen. It was also in King Arthur’s time that the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle was published: this was the first English newspaper and had all the news about his victories, and Lady Windermere, and the Cakes, etc. 阿尔弗雷德......

试译 1066 and All That:第十一章

William I: A Conquering King 威廉一世:征服之君 IN the year 1066 occurred the other memorable date in English History, viz. William the Conqueror, Ten Sixtysix. This is also called The Battle of Hastings, and was when William I (1066) conquered England at the Battle of Senlac (Ten Sixty-six). 1066 年,是英国历史上另一个重要时期,即 1066,征服者威廉。这也会被称作黑斯廷斯战役(The......


思考了一下人和机器的区别。 这里说的机器,主要指的是「机械化的人」。 他们和真人最大的区别在于,既不会思考,也没有感情。上面叫他们做什么,他们就去做什么。依命行事,多一步都不会想;冷酷无情,多一眼多不会看......


雨夜,走在路上。文章发不出去,暗自生气。 想起去年加了一个某平台的工作人员。 我:是不是一切跟宗教相关的东西都不可以写? 她:也不是,只要不传教就行了。 我:(我都不信教,怎么可能传教)好! 第二天,文章又显示......

去迦南的应许|出埃及记 33

从第 20 期的十诫开始,这十几期的内容,讲的是各种各样的规矩,各种各样的戒律。 光看着就很累了,何况还要身体力行地遵守。 这个时候,经书的笔锋一转,再次说起了去迦南的应许。就像教育小孩子守规矩一样,做得好,是......

试译 1066 and All That:第六章

Exgalahad and the British Navy 埃克斯加拉哈德1和英国海军 ARTHUR invented Conferences because he was secretly a Weak King and liked to know what his memorable thousand and one Knights wanted to do next. As they were all parfitly jealous Knights he had to have the Memorable Round Table made to have the Conferences at, so that it was impossible to say which was top knight. He had a miraculous sword called Exgalahad wi which he defeated the Danes in numerous battles. In this he was also much assisted by his......

仙人周刊 05:一周精神生活总结

这里是《仙人周刊》,我的一周精神生活总结。 读书 《一个人需要多少土地》 [俄] 列夫·托尔斯泰 著 [法] 马丁·韦龙 绘 豆瓣评分:8.6 说来惭愧,这是我读托尔斯泰的第一部作品,还是部图像小说。 才看了一两页,就体会......