试译 1066 and All That:第十三章

Henry 1: A Tragic King 亨利一世:一名悲催的国王 HENRY I was famous for his handwriting and was therefore generally called Henry Beau-geste. He was extremely fond of his son William, who was, however, drowned in the White City. Henry tried to console himself for his loss by eating a surfeit of palfreys. This was a Bad Thing since he died of it and never smiled again. 亨利一世得名于他的字迹,从而通常被称作美姿仪的亨利。他非常钟爱自己的儿子威廉,然而威廉不幸在白城溺亡。亨利用暴食马肉的方式,来填补他的损失和悲伤。但这是一个坏事,因为亨利后来因此而死,并再也没有笑过。 ...

2023-01-13 · 175 words · 许仙人

神的「房子」|出埃及记 36

上一期介绍了约柜、桌子和灯台,它们是放在圣所,也就是神的「房子」里的全部「家具」。虽然物件很少,就三样东西,但各个都金光灿灿。 不知道圣所又长成什么样子呢? 懒得看文字描述的,可以直接看下面的 3D 复原视频。 首先,看它的坐落和朝向。 圣所搭建在山上,也就是高地上。 它的朝向,并非我们青睐的坐北朝南,而是坐西朝东。东边才是圣所的大门和入口方向。 ...

2023-01-13 · 1431 words · 许仙人

约柜、桌子和灯台|出埃及记 35

上一期说到摩西再上西奈山。 摩西此番在山上待了整整四十个昼夜,这不禁让人好奇,他到底在干嘛?怎么会待那么久呢? 我一开始还暗戳戳地怀疑,神给他的两块写有律法和戒律的石板,该不会是摩西在那个时候,自己在山上刻的吧?后来看到神又吩咐他说,下山以后要制作这个,制作那个,按这个规矩献祭,按那个规矩献祭。忽然又觉得,要记住这么多东西,确实得花点时间。😅 ...

2023-01-11 · 1044 words · 许仙人

试译 1066 and All That:第十二章

Rufus: A Ruddy King 鲁弗斯:红国王 THIS monarch was always very angry and red in the face and was therefore unpopular, so that his death was a Good Thing: it occurred in the following memorable way. Rufus was hunting one day in the New Forest, when William Tell (the memorable crackshot, inventor of Cross-bow puzzles) took unerring aim at a reddish apple, which had fallen on to the King’s head, and shot him through the heart. Sir Isaac Walton, who happened to be present at the time, thereupon invented the Law of Gravity. Thus was the reign of Rufus brought to a Good End. ...

2023-01-11 · 268 words · 许仙人

摩西再上西奈山|出埃及记 34

上一期讲了去迦南的应许,有点像一场领导发表的团结人心,展望未来的讲话。 本期回到故事主线——摩西再上西奈山。 这是摩西第二次上山,跟第一次有些不同: 第一,上山前的准备不一样。 第一次上山前的准备工作,弄得比较简单。除了在山的四周设立界限,不让人随便接近之外,还要求大伙提前三天沐浴更衣禁欲,保持洁净。之后就没有别的动作了。 ...

2023-01-10 · 1254 words · 许仙人