试译 1066 and All That:第四章

Britain Conquered Again 不列颠第三次被征服 THE conversion of Britain was followed by a Wave of Danes, accompanied by their sisters or Sagas, and led by such memorable warriors as Harold Falsetooth and Magnus the Great, who, landing correctly in Thanet, overran the country from right to left, with fire. 不列颠皈依基督教之后,丹麦人来了。他们携着姐妹,唱着萨迦1,在令人难忘的战士像哈罗德·福......

试译 1066 and All That:第三章

The Conversion of England 英格兰的皈依 NOTICING some fair-haired children in the slave market one morning, Pope Gregory, the memorable Pope, said (in Latin), ‘What are those? ’ and on being told that they were Angels, made the memorable joke ‘Non Angli, sed Angeli’ (‘not Angels but Anglicans’) and commanded one of his Saints called St Augustine to go and convert the rest. 一天早上,教......

试译 1066 and All That:第二章

Britain Conquered Again 不列颠又被征服了 THE withdrawal of the Roman legions to take part in Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (due to a clamour among the Romans for pompous amusements such as bread and circumstances) left Britain defenceless and subjected Europe to that long succession of Waves of which History is chiefly composed. While the Roman Empire was overrun by waves not only of Ostrogoths, Vizigoths, and even Goths, but also of Vandals (who destroyed works of art) and Huns (who destroyed everything and everybody, including Goths, Ostrogoths, Vizigoths, and even......


看书如何记笔记,一直是个问题。 很多人会把书中所谓的「金句」标注或摘录下来,也有些人会更进一步,用自己的语言把那段话重述一遍。但这样得到的东西,仍是碎片化的。 今天看到一篇姚崇新老师的文章,他分享了学术阅......

仙人周刊 04:病都是自己作出来的

Hi,这里是《仙人周刊》,我的一周精神生活总结。🎈 停了很久没写,因为手「坏」了。 我的左手患上了肘管综合征,无法正常弯曲。一屈肘,便像撞到了麻筋似的,酸爽非常……无名指和小指也 24 小时处于麻痹状态,指腹针......

试译 1066 and All That:第一章

Caesar Invades Britain 凯撒入侵不列颠 THE first date* in English History is 55 B.C ., in which year Julius Caesar (the memorable Roman Emperor) landed, like all other successful invaders of these islands, at Thanet. This was in the Olden Days, when the Romans were top nation on account of their classical education, etc. 公元前 55 年,是英国载入史册的第一个日期。那一年,尤里乌斯·凯撒(一位令人难忘的罗马......


我不喝酒,但日料店去得多了,也记住了一些清酒品牌,其中一个便是獭祭(因为字大😛)。 之前看过一本书叫《清酒之魂》,讲的是日本一个杜氏(首席酿酒师)的酿酒故事。作者是写《留住手艺》的盐野米松,所以整本书侧......


早上醒来,朋友发来一则新闻。两人围绕那则新闻,来回了一个多小时,最后不欢而散。 大家都有点情绪。 我说:我们没有必要再讨论下去了,如果你预设一个问题就是无法解决的,那我们讨论的意义何在呢? 朋友说:我们的观......