以色列人的三个朝圣节|出埃及记 31
上一期说了以色列人的安息日,这一期就来看看他们最重要的三个节日:除酵节、收割节和收藏节。 这几个节日,跟我们平时过的那些阖家团圆的佳节,完全不是一个概念。比如,它们可不是想过就过,想不过就不过的。 神如是说: 一年三次,你们要向我守节。 这就意味着,过这几个节是一种责任,一种向神履行的义务。 ...
上一期说了以色列人的安息日,这一期就来看看他们最重要的三个节日:除酵节、收割节和收藏节。 这几个节日,跟我们平时过的那些阖家团圆的佳节,完全不是一个概念。比如,它们可不是想过就过,想不过就不过的。 神如是说: 一年三次,你们要向我守节。 这就意味着,过这几个节是一种责任,一种向神履行的义务。 ...
1)2022 年就要結束了,請記錄一件今年你最想記下的事情。 今年发生了挺多事情。 在这些大事中,最切身的还是年底广州的封控。我刚好住在海珠,所谓的「疫情中心区域」。在那段时间,熟悉的街道突然换了一副面貌:街头的店铺关门了,沿路多了许多红色围挡,核酸亭前总是排着长长的队伍,大桥底下多了许多风餐露宿的人,以及窗外的扩音喇叭声,不再是烧腊店的促销,而变成了天天喊你下楼做核酸…… ...
Canute, an Experimental King 卡努特,一位实验性的国王 THIS memorable monarch, having set out from Norway to collect some Danegeld, landed by mistake at Thanet, and thus became King. 这位令人难忘的君主,从挪威扬帆出发,本来是想收刮点丹麦金,他误在塞内特登陆,却因此当上了英国国王。 ...
Ethelread the Unready: A Weak King 决策无方的埃塞尔雷德:一名软弱的国王 ETHELREAD THE UNREADY was the first Weak King of England and was thus the cause of a fresh Wave of Danes. 决策无方的埃塞尔雷德是英国第一位软弱的国王,因此招致了新一轮的丹麦入侵。 He was called the Unready because he was never ready when the Danes were. Rather than wait for him the Danes used to fine him large sums called Danegeld, for not being ready. But though they were always ready, the Danes had very bad memories and often used to forget that they had been paid the Danegeld and come back for it almost before they had sailed away. By that time Ethelread was always unready again. ...
Lady Windermere. Age of Lake Dwellers 温德米尔夫人,湖居者的时代。 ALFRED had a very interesting wife called Lady Windermere (The Lady of the Lake), who was always clothed in the same white frock, and used to go bathing with Sir Launcelot (also of the Lake) and was thus a Bad Queen. It was also in King Arthur’s time that the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle was published: this was the first English newspaper and had all the news about his victories, and Lady Windermere, and the Cakes, etc. ...