试译 1066 and All That:第六章

Exgalahad and the British Navy 埃克斯加拉哈德1和英国海军 ARTHUR invented Conferences because he was secretly a Weak King and liked to know what his memorable thousand and one Knights wanted to do next. As they were all parfitly jealous Knights he had to have the Memorable Round Table made to have the Conferences at, so that it was impossible to say which was top knight. He had a miraculous sword called Exgalahad wi which he defeated the Danes in numerous battles. In this he was also much assisted by his marine inventions, including the water-dock and the British Navy. The latter invention occurred as follows. ...

2022-12-14 · 838 words · 许仙人


那天写完周刊,头昏脑涨,赶紧预约了周二去参观广东省美术馆,这才轻松下来。 周二是工作日,但观展的人比我想象中多,其中大部分是年轻人,估计是学生。 当天有四个展正在展出,我都逛了一遍。以下是我的一些观感。 拓荒者:20 世纪广东美术进程中的胡根天 胡根天(1892—1985)这位老兄,是最先在广东创办美术社、开展美术教育的人。他年轻时在日本留学,就读于东京美术学校,接受了日本最好的西洋画教育。 ...

2022-12-14 · 1728 words · 许仙人


看书如何记笔记,一直是个问题。 很多人会把书中所谓的「金句」标注或摘录下来,也有些人会更进一步,用自己的语言把那段话重述一遍。但这样得到的东西,仍是碎片化的。 ...

2022-12-14 · 465 words · 许仙人

试译 1066 and All That:第五章

Alfred the Cake 蛋糕1阿尔弗雷德 KING ALFRED was the first Good King, with the exception of Good King Wenceslas, who, though he looked 4th, really came first (it is not known, however, what King Wenceslas was King of). Alfred ought never to be confused with King Arthur, equally memorable but probably non-existent and therefore perhaps less important historically (unless he did exist). 阿尔弗雷德国王2(King Alfred)是第一位好国王,当然,除了好国王温切拉斯3(Good King Wenceslas)之外。温切拉斯看起来排第四位,实际上是第一个出场的(然而我们也不确定,温切拉斯究竟是英国哪个王国的国王)。大家不要把阿尔弗雷德和亚瑟王4弄混了,虽然亚瑟王跟前者名气相当,但很可能不存在,所以历史地位没那么重要(除非他确实存在)。 ...

2022-12-12 · 1036 words · 许仙人

仙人周刊 04:病都是自己作出来的

Hi,这里是《仙人周刊》,我的一周精神生活总结。🎈 停了很久没写,因为手「坏」了。 我的左手患上了肘管综合征,无法正常弯曲。一屈肘,便像撞到了麻筋似的,酸爽非常……无名指和小指也 24 小时处于麻痹状态,指腹针扎一般,不停地「放电」。 ...

2022-12-11 · 3518 words · 许仙人