Britain Conquered Again
THE withdrawal of the Roman legions to take part in Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (due to a clamour among the Romans for pompous amusements such as bread and circumstances) left Britain defenceless and subjected Europe to that long succession of Waves of which History is chiefly composed. While the Roman Empire was overrun by waves not only of Ostrogoths, Vizigoths, and even Goths, but also of Vandals (who destroyed works of art) and Huns (who destroyed everything and everybody, including Goths, Ostrogoths, Vizigoths, and even Vandals), Britain was attacked by waves of Picts (and, of course, Scots) who had recently learnt how to climb the wall, and of Angles, Saxons, and Jutes who, landing at Thanet, soon overran the country with fire (and, of course, the sword).
Important Note
The Scots (originally Irish, but by now Scotch) were at this time inhabiting Ireland, having driven the Irish (Picts) out of Scotland; while the Picts (originally Scots) were now Irish (living in brackets) and vice versa. It is essential to keep these distinctions clearly in mind (and verce visa).
Humiliation of the Britons
The brutal Saxon invaders drove the Britons westward into Wales and compelled them to become Welsh; it is now considered doubtful whether this was a Good Thing. Memorable among the Saxon warriors were Hengist and his wife (? or horse), Horsa. Hengist made himself King in the South. Thus Hengist was the first English King and his wife (or horse), Horsa, the first English Queen (or horse). The country was now almost entirely inhabited by Saxons and was therefore renamed England, and thus (naturally) soon became C. of E. This was a Good Thing, because previously the Saxons had worshipped some dreadful gods of their own called Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
粗暴的撒克逊入侵者把不列颠人赶去了西边的威尔士,迫使他们变成了威尔士人;现在我们无法确定这到底是不是一件好事。在众多的撒克逊战士中,我们能记住名字的是亨吉斯特(Hengist)和他的妻子霍萨(Horsa)(?她或许是一匹马)。亨吉斯特在南方称王,成为英国的第一位国王,而他的妻子霍萨(或许是匹马),则成为英国的第一位王后(或者马后)。这个国家基本上被撒克逊人占领了,于是改名叫了英格兰,从而(很自然地)成为了英格兰教会(C of E)。这是一件好事,因为在此之前,撒克逊人崇拜他们自己那些可怕的神3,那些神的名字叫做星期一4、星期二5、星期三6、星期四7、星期五8和星期六9。
爱德华·吉本(Edward Gibbon),18 世纪英国著名史学家,《罗马帝国衰亡史》的作者。 ↩︎
推测指的是颠沛流离,无家可归。 ↩︎
撒克逊人是日耳曼人的一支,他们的信仰跟北欧神话一脉相承。 ↩︎
星期一,月神之日,day of the Moon,源于古罗马神话的月神。 ↩︎
星期二,战神之日,源于北欧神话中的战神提尔(Tiw or Týr)。 ↩︎
星期三,沃登之日,源于沃登(Woden),即北欧神话中的主神奥丁(Oden)。 ↩︎
星期四,雷神之日,源于北欧神话中的雷神索尔(Thor)。 ↩︎
星期五,弗里格之日,源于北欧神话中的女神弗里格(Frigg)。 ↩︎
星期六,农神之日,源于古罗马神话的农神萨图尔(Saturn)。 ↩︎