Britain Conquered Again


THE conversion of Britain was followed by a Wave of Danes, accompanied by their sisters or Sagas, and led by such memorable warriors as Harold Falsetooth and Magnus the Great, who, landing correctly in Thanet, overran the country from right to left, with fire.

不列颠皈依基督教之后,丹麦人来了。他们携着姐妹,唱着萨迦1,在令人难忘的战士像哈罗德·福尔斯图斯2(Harold Falsetooth)和马格努斯大帝3(Magnus the Great)的带领下,成功在塞内特登陆,用烈火从右到左洗劫了整个国家。

After this the Danes invented a law called the Danelaw, which easily proved that since there was nobody else left alive there, all the right-hand part of England belonged to them. The Danish Conquest was, however, undoubtedly a Good Thing, because although it made the Danes top nation for a time it was the cause of Alfred the Cake (and in any case they were beaten utterly in the end by Nelson).


By this time the Saxons had all become very old like the Britons before them and were called ealdormen; when they had been defeated in a battle by the Danes they used to sing little songs to themselves such as the memorable fragment discovered in the Bodleian Library at Oxford:

在这个时候,被称作郡长的撒克逊人,已经变得跟他们之前的不列颠人一样古老了。当他们在战场上被丹麦人打败后,他们为自己唱起了一些短歌,比如在牛津大学图书馆(Bodleian Library)发现的那些令人难忘的残篇。

Old-Saxon Fragment


Syng a song of Saxons In the Wapentake of Rye Four and twenty eaoldormen Too eaold to die….




The Danes, on the other hand, wrote a very defiant kind of Epic poetry, e.g.:


Beoleopard OR The Witan’s Whail

Whan Cnut Cyng the Witan wold enfeoff Of infangthief and outfangthief Wonderlich were they enwraged And wordwar waged Sware Cnut great scot and lot Swinge wold ich this illbegotten lot.

Wroth was Cnut and wrothword spake. Well wold he win at wopantake.

Fain wold he brakë frith and crackë heads And than they shold worshippe his redes.

Swingéd Cnut Cyng with swung sword Howléd Witane hellë but hearkened his word Murië sang Cnut Cyng Outfangthief is Damgudthyng.

  1. 估计是蓝牙哈拉尔(Harald Bluetooth),丹麦国王,也曾短暂地担任挪威国王。他把基督教引进了丹麦。后世的蓝牙技术即以他命名。 ↩︎

  2. 冰岛和北欧地区的一种文学,原本指的是“小故事”,后来演变为实施。 ↩︎

  3. 即好人马格努斯(Magnus the Good,1024-1047 年),曾担任丹麦国王。 ↩︎