Richard I: A Wild King


RICHARD I was a hairy King with a Lion’s Heart; he went roaring about the Desert making ferocious attacks on the Saladins and the Paladins, and was thus a very romantic King. Whenever he returned to England he always set out again immediately for the Mediterranean and was therefore known as Richard Gare de Lyon. He had a sword of enormous dimensions with which he used to practise cutting iron bars and anvils in half, whereas the Saladins had very sharp swords which were only useful for cutting cushions in half. In spite of which the Crusaders under Richard never got Jerusalem back; this was undoubtedly due to the treacherous behaviour of the Saladins, who used to fire on the Red Cross which the Crusaders wore on their chests in battle.


The Story of Blondin

Richard is also famous for having a minstrel boy (or Touralour) called Blondin who searched for him under the walls of all the dungeons in Europe. This was when Richard had been caught by the blind King of Bohemia during a game of Blind King’s Bluff and sold to the Holy Roman Terror. Blondin eventually found him by singing the memorable song (or ’touralay’) called O Richard et mon Droit (’ Are you right, there, Richard ?’) which Richard himself had composed. Richard roared the chorus so that Blondin knew which dungeon he was in, and thus the King easily escaped and returned to the Crusades, where he died soon after of a surfeit of Sala dins, and was therefore known in the East as Richard Cœur de Laitue.

理查同样得名于拥有一名叫做布隆丁的男宠(或Touralour),此人在欧洲的地牢下搜寻着理查。那是在理查被波西米亚的盲王捉住时候的事了,当时波西米亚的盲王在一场游戏中夸口说,要把理查卖给神圣罗马暴君(Holy Roman Terror?)布隆丁最终通过唱了一首著名的歌(或民谣1)发现了理查,那首歌叫做 O Richard et mon Droit(理查,你在那还好吗?)由理查本人谱曲。理查高声唱出和声,波隆丁从而得知理查所关押的地牢,于是国王轻易地逃出升天,回到十字军的队伍中,在那他很快死于吃了过量的沙拉和点心(Sala dins?)因此被东方人视作为莴苣心理查。

  1. 萨拉丁(1130-1193),埃及阿尤布王朝和叙利亚的第一位苏丹,在欧洲十字军东征中为理查一世的对手。 ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. Paladins 又称为圣骑士,在欧洲历史上指的是公元 800 年前后追随查理曼东征西讨的十二位勇士。 ↩︎

  3. Gare de Lyon 指的是巴黎里昂车站,理查一世俗称狮心王理查,Lyon 和 lion 谐音。此处意译为理查快线。 ↩︎