Edward the Confessor
ON HIS DEATH Canute’s Kingdom was divided between two further sons, who had been previously overlooked, Aftercanute and Harold Harebrush. These were succeeded by Edward the Confessor. It was about this time that the memorable Mac Beth (‘Ian Hay’), known as the Bane of Fife, murdered a number of his enemies, including Mac Duff, Lord Dunsinaney, Sleep, etc. Edward the Confessor was with difficulty prevented from confessing to all these and many other crimes committed in his reign, as he was in the habit of confessing everything whether he had done it or not, and was thus a Weak King.
卡努特死后,他的王国被两个之前备受忽视的儿子嘎u分了,一个是阿夫特卡努特,一个是哈罗德·哈尔布拉什。接替他们的是忏悔者爱德华。正是在这个时期,麦克白(伊恩·黒),也就是大家所知的火之梦魇,谋杀了一连串他的仇敌,包括麦道夫(Mac Duff)、道辛纳尼勋爵、思利普等。忏悔者爱德华在其统治期间,沉浸在对各种罪行的忏悔中无法自拔,也不管罪行是不是他自己犯下的,他把忏悔变成了一种习惯。因此,他是一个软弱的国王。
The Last English King
With Edward the Confessor perished the last English King (viz. Edward the Confessor), since he was succeeded by Waves of Norman Kings (French), Tudors (Welsh), Stuarts (Scottish), and Hanoverians (German), not to mention the memorable Dutch King-Williamanmary.