试译 1066 and All That:第十九章

Magna Charter 大宪章 THERE also happened in this reign the memorable Charta, known as Magna Charter on account of the Latin Magna (great) and Charter (a Charter); this was the first of the famous Chartas and Gartas of the Realm and was invented by the Barons on a desert island in the Thames called Ganymede. By congregating there, armed to the teeth, the Barons compelled John to sign the Magna Charter, which said: ...

2023-04-11 · 706 words · 许仙人

试译 1066 and All That:第十八章

John: An Awful King 约翰:一名糟糕的国王 WHEN John came to the throne he lost his temper and flung himself on the floor, foaming at the mouth and biting the rushes. He was thus a Bad King. Indeed, he had begun badly as a Bad Prince, having attempted to answer the Irish Question by pulling the beards of the aged Irish chiefs, which was a Bad Thing and the wrong answer. 当约翰登基的时候,他无法控制自己的情绪,并摔在了地上,口吐白沫,吃了一嘴的灰。所以,他是一名糟糕的国王。实际上,当他还在当王子的时候,就表现德不好了。他曾经用扯一位年长的爱尔兰显贵的方式,来回答爱尔兰问题1,这当然是一件坏事,也是一个差劲的答案。 ...

2023-02-09 · 488 words · 许仙人

试译 1066 and All That:第十七章

Richard I: A Wild King 理查一世:一名疯狂的国王 RICHARD I was a hairy King with a Lion’s Heart; he went roaring about the Desert making ferocious attacks on the Saladins and the Paladins, and was thus a very romantic King. Whenever he returned to England he always set out again immediately for the Mediterranean and was therefore known as Richard Gare de Lyon. He had a sword of enormous dimensions with which he used to practise cutting iron bars and anvils in half, whereas the Saladins had very sharp swords which were only useful for cutting cushions in half. In spite of which the Crusaders under Richard never got Jerusalem back; this was undoubtedly due to the treacherous behaviour of the Saladins, who used to fire on the Red Cross which the Crusaders wore on their chests in battle. ...

2023-02-08 · 1006 words · 许仙人

试译 1066 and All That:第十五章

Henry II: A Just King 亨利二世:一名公正的国王 HENRY II was a great Lawgiver, and it was he who laid down the great Legal Principle that everything is either legal or (preferably) illegal. 亨利二世是一位著名的立法者,也正是他确立著名的法律原则:任何事情要么是合法的,要么(最好)是不合法的。 ...

2023-02-06 · 1088 words · 许仙人

试译 1066 and All That:第十四章

The Dreadful Story of Stephen and his Aunt Matilda (or Maud) 史蒂芬和他姑妈玛蒂尔达(或叫莫德)的糟糕往事 THE moment Stephen came to the throne it was realized that he was a mistake and had been christened wrong; thus everything was thrown into confusion. Stephen himself felt quite uncalled for, and even his Aunt Matilda was able to take him in when she began announcing that she was the real King. Stephen, however, soon discovered that she had been malchristened, too, and was unable to say for certain whether her name was Matilda or Maud. ...

2023-01-16 · 511 words · 许仙人