试译 1066 and All That:第十三章

Henry 1: A Tragic King 亨利一世:一名悲催的国王 HENRY I was famous for his handwriting and was therefore generally called Henry Beau-geste. He was extremely fond of his son William, who was, however, drowned in the White City. Henry tried to console himself for his loss by eating a surfeit of palfreys. This was a Bad Thing since he died of it and never smiled again. 亨利一世得名于他的字迹,从而通常被称作美姿仪的亨利。他非常钟爱自己的儿子威廉,然而威廉不幸在白城溺亡。亨利用暴食马肉的方式,来填补他的损失和悲伤。但这是一个坏事,因为亨利后来因此而死,并再也没有笑过。 ...

2023-01-13 · 175 words · 许仙人

试译 1066 and All That:第十二章

Rufus: A Ruddy King 鲁弗斯:红国王 THIS monarch was always very angry and red in the face and was therefore unpopular, so that his death was a Good Thing: it occurred in the following memorable way. Rufus was hunting one day in the New Forest, when William Tell (the memorable crackshot, inventor of Cross-bow puzzles) took unerring aim at a reddish apple, which had fallen on to the King’s head, and shot him through the heart. Sir Isaac Walton, who happened to be present at the time, thereupon invented the Law of Gravity. Thus was the reign of Rufus brought to a Good End. ...

2023-01-11 · 268 words · 许仙人

试译 1066 and All That:第十一章

William I: A Conquering King 威廉一世:征服之君 IN the year 1066 occurred the other memorable date in English History, viz. William the Conqueror, Ten Sixtysix. This is also called The Battle of Hastings, and was when William I (1066) conquered England at the Battle of Senlac (Ten Sixty-six). 1066 年,是英国历史上另一个重要时期,即 1066,征服者威廉。这也会被称作黑斯廷斯战役(The Battle of Hastings),那个时候,威廉一世(1066)在森拉克之战1(Battle of Senlac)中打败英格兰。 ...

2023-01-10 · 1076 words · 许仙人

试译 1066 and All That:测试一

Up to the End of 1066 截止到 1066 年 Which do you consider were the more alike, Caesar or Pompey, or vice versa? (Be brief.) 你觉得凯撒像庞贝,还是庞贝像凯撒?(请简要作答。) Discuss, in latin or gothic (but not both), whether the Northumbrian Bishops were more schismatical than the Cumbrian Abbots. (Be bright.) ...

2023-01-09 · 724 words · 许仙人

试译 1066 and All That:第十章

Edward the Confessor 忏悔者爱德华 ON HIS DEATH Canute’s Kingdom was divided between two further sons, who had been previously overlooked, Aftercanute and Harold Harebrush. These were succeeded by Edward the Confessor. It was about this time that the memorable Mac Beth (‘Ian Hay’), known as the Bane of Fife, murdered a number of his enemies, including Mac Duff, Lord Dunsinaney, Sleep, etc. Edward the Confessor was with difficulty prevented from confessing to all these and many other crimes committed in his reign, as he was in the habit of confessing everything whether he had done it or not, and was thus a Weak King. ...

2022-12-20 · 471 words · 许仙人