
昨天帮朋友卖了两百来本书,见多抓鱼涨价收,今早便把自己的书也理了一下。 去年卖过一波,剩下的其实不多。大概分成三类;一是还未看的,二是看过想珍藏的,三是别人送的书(有些真的没兴趣,但不好意思弃掉)。 今天......

试译 1066 and All That:第十章

Edward the Confessor 忏悔者爱德华 ON HIS DEATH Canute’s Kingdom was divided between two further sons, who had been previously overlooked, Aftercanute and Harold Harebrush. These were succeeded by Edward the Confessor. It was about this time that the memorable Mac Beth (‘Ian Hay’), known as the Bane of Fife, murdered a number of his enemies, including Mac Duff, Lord Dunsinaney, Sleep, etc. Edward the Confessor was with difficulty prevented from confessing to all these and many other crimes committed in his reign, as he was in the habit of confessing everything whether he had done......


我有一双鞋子,买了很多年,穿出门的日子,却单手可数。 嗯,倒不是因为冲动消费,买回来又嫌弃什么的,而是……它实在太难穿了。😂 那是一双五趾鞋,顾名思义,五根脚趾头是分开的。 要穿那双鞋子,首先得换上一双五趾......

以色列人为什么「肉奶不同食」?|出埃及记 32

昨天写《以色列人的三个朝圣节》时,看到节日献祭有一条禁忌: 不可用山羊羔母的奶煮山羊羔。(出埃及记 23:19) 初看的时候,觉得有点莫名其妙。查了一下,才发现这句话衍生出了以色列人一条重要的饮食禁忌——「......

以色列人的三个朝圣节|出埃及记 31

上一期说了以色列人的安息日,这一期就来看看他们最重要的三个节日:除酵节、收割节和收藏节。 这几个节日,跟我们平时过的那些阖家团圆的佳节,完全不是一个概念。比如,它们可不是想过就过,想不过就不过的。 神如是......

我的这一年|Matters 2022 年度问卷

1)2022 年就要結束了,請記錄一件今年你最想記下的事情。 今年发生了挺多事情。 在这些大事中,最切身的还是年底广州的封控。我刚好住在海珠,所谓的「疫情中心区域」。在那段时间,熟悉的街道突然换了一副面貌:......

试译 1066 and All That:第五章

Alfred the Cake 蛋糕1阿尔弗雷德 KING ALFRED was the first Good King, with the exception of Good King Wenceslas, who, though he looked 4th, really came first (it is not known, however, what King Wenceslas was King of). Alfred ought never to be confused with King Arthur, equally memorable but probably non-existent and therefore perhaps less important historically (unless he did exist). 阿尔弗雷德国王2(King Alfred)是第一位好国王,当然,除......


那天写完周刊,头昏脑涨,赶紧预约了周二去参观广东省美术馆,这才轻松下来。 周二是工作日,但观展的人比我想象中多,其中大部分是年轻人,估计是学生。 当天有四个展正在展出,我都逛了一遍。以下是我的一些观感。 拓......